Lazy Change Pillow Could be Hazards

There are some common things we used to do was not good for health. Some things here are among others:
Never replace pillows In the morning, your eyes have ever marsupial, the head felt crowded? Well, maybe you need to look at your pillow. Small animals or dust that settles on the pillow can be a problem for your health. If you have never washed for years, a pillow that is often used and never washed the fleas could save small, complete with their excrement, and every night you also inhale it all. So said Steven M. Houser, MD, director of allergy and respiratory system at MetroHealth, Ohio. These allergens will be accumulate and trigger allergies and asthma in people who have sensitivity to it. It is recommended to use a mat that is free of dust on pillows and mattresses.Do not remember the last time replace toothbrush Never replace the toothbrush with the saving of bacteria in the mouth. Bacteria, fungi, and viruses are ready to stick on your toothbrush and move into your oral cavity. "The bacteria associated with oral disease and heart health can breed," explained Hemali Ajmera, DDS, cosmetic dentist from New York. Especially if you put the toothbrush along with other family members toothbrush. It is recommended to replace toothbrushes every 3-4 months. However, for children who frequently brushes his teeth and bite those who wore braces, it is advisable to replace more often.

Pay debt to sleep on the weekends On weekdays, most of us wake up early in the morning, with a body rather sleepy and then cheer yourself that you can "revenge" to sleep on the weekends. Unfortunately, this would not be good for the body. According to Jack D. Gardner, MD, Medical director of the Sleep Solutions Center in Dallas, did not sleep like piggy banks, you can insert and remove at will. Sleeping longer on weekends can alter the body's hormone system that regulates the rhythm of your sirkadia, namely melatonin and cortisol. You will only feel tired and have trouble sleeping at night if you wake up one day on a holiday.
Instead, you remain consistent with the pattern of daily sleep. Turn on the lights, open curtains, describe themselves in sunlight to give a signal in itself that it was time to wake up.

Stretching the back so got up (even while still in bed) Stretching back to sleep once awake it can reduce pain in the back, but in fact it can be dangerous for the spine. "We sleep at night, keep the disc in the spine of water. When you wake up and stretch your spine straight, then you increase the pressure on the disk," said Ted Dreisinger, PhD, FACSM, chairman Therapy Advisors, San Diego, USA.

It is recommended, before stretching his back in the morning, take 10 minutes to perform routine, like drinking coffee, washing your face, and brushing teeth. After that, do simple stretches, such as putting both hands on the cheeks of the buttocks, such as palms pressed into the back pants pocket, and stretch your body backward while resting on the palms of it (like kayang), hold 3 seconds, repeat 3-4 times.
Hold pee I was so busy your days, the desire to urinate too often detained-resistant. The problem is, when you resist urinating, it can damage the bladder, clear Tristi Muir, MD, of the University of Texas Medical Branch. When this happens, your bladder will experience difficulties to contract properly, making it difficult to empty the contents. This can result in bladder infection, or difficulty regulate bladder.

Highly recommended to dispose of urine so feel the desire to get rid of urine. If frequent urinating is a problem, talk with your doctor, or reduce the intake of drinks that are diuretics, like caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, carbonated drinks, chocolate, and tea.
Laptop bag draped on one side of the same shoulder Watch your habits in a carry bag. Are you using the same side again and again? If yes, try using a different side to prevent problems later on. Carrying heavy goods on one side of the same days could cause problems in the muscles and pain in the neck, shoulders, and arms. Carrying a handbag can also trigger pain in the arm due to movement of the hand grip and play.

Because of that, try to replace the shoulder as tumuan bags in their daily activities.
High heels every day? Beware! Wearing high heels may look attractive, but if worn continuously, the muscle can shorten your Achilles tendon, and if this is already happening, when you remove the high heels, then you will attract the heel bone and put you on a very painful condition. This painful condition may eventually cause inflammation of the tissue that spreads to the soles of the feet, adding to the problem on the greasy palms of the feet, which would actually decrease as age increases, so that when you try to use high-heeled, the situation will only get worse.
Before that happens, frequently replace your high-heeled shoes with flat shoes, if possible, walk barefoot on the grass once in a while (which is free from sharp objects) can also help the health of your feet.


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